FARMWISE successfully wrapped up its Second General Assembly at the University of Oulu, Finland, from June 12th to 13th, 2024. This key event brought together experts and stakeholders from across Europe to discuss significant advancements in agricultural resource management and water innovations to foster a sustainable future.

Day 1: A Day of Insightful Discussions and Collaborations
The assembly began on June 12th with a warm welcome and an overview of the program by Björn Klöve (UOULU), Ronny Berndtsson (Project Coordinator, ULUND), and Sebastian Puculek (Project Manager, ULUND). Attendees were introduced to the University of Oulu and its extensive work on peatlands through a presentation by Björn Klöve.
“This EU project, FARMWISE, enables finding new methods to limit agricultural runoff while maintaining food production. It is important to improve the status of surface and coastal waters. The University of Oulu’s research on water management has a focus on understanding variation in climate and drought as well as limiting nutrient runoff from agriculture,” comments Professor Björn Klöve from the University of Oulu.
Dr. Magdalena Bieroza (SLU) delivered the keynote addressing an in-depth analysis of water quality dynamics in agricultural catchments using sensor data. Her presentation set a robust scientific tone for the day’s discussions.
Sebastian Puculek’s comprehensive project overview and status update highlighted FARMWISE’s achievements and future plans. This was followed by focused sessions on stakeholder engagement and methods for water data collection, led by Guillermo Palau (UPV) and Wieslaw Fialkiewicz (UPWr), respectively.
In the afternoon, participants engaged in parallel sessions on topics such as user experience in decision support systems and the division of data collection responsibilities among partners. Workshops on risk assessment, mitigation, and adaptation to extremes and stakeholder feedback sessions provided valuable insights and facilitated collaborative problem-solving.
The day concluded with a session on project communication strategies led by the SITES Communication Manager, which emphasised the critical role of social media in building an audience for FARMWISE.
Day 2: Innovation and Strategic Planning
June 13th started with a welcome by Björn Klöve and Ronny Berndtsson, setting the stage for a day focused on innovation and strategic planning. Dauren Mussabek (ULUND) led a workshop on case studies and integration of innovations, exploring test variables for innovative solutions.
stevo Labrnic (UNIBO) conducted a World Café session, fostering dynamic discussions on organising experiments and addressing current and upcoming challenges. This interactive format encouraged lively exchanges of ideas and collaborative brainstorming.
The late morning sessions delved into specialised topics such as the application of artificial intelligence models, hosted by Amir Naghibi (ULUND), and an advisory board ideation session led by Rolf Larsson (ULUND). These sessions provided insights into specific areas of interest, fostering expertise and collaborative development.
The assembly concluded with a discussion on plans and rules for joint publications and conferences led by Leonardo Piccinetti (SITES). A wrap-up session summarised the key takeaways and set the stage for future collaboration and progress.

Field Visit: Practical Applications of FARMWISE Innovations
Attendees participated in a field visit to agricultural areas south of Oulu, including the LUKE pilot site at Ruukki and the Tyrnävä municipality. This visit showcased practical applications of FARMWISE innovations in peatland agriculture, water table control, and hydrological monitoring. Participants gained firsthand experience of the project’s impact on sustainable agricultural practices.

Looking Forward
The successful conclusion of the Second General Assembly marks a significant milestone for the FARMWISE project. The event highlighted the progress made and set the stage for continued innovation and collaboration. As the project progresses, the insights and connections forged during the assembly will undoubtedly drive further sustainable agricultural resource management advancements.